Saturday, October 25, 2008

2, 50%, -3

To many of you, those numbers may not need to be explained.

For everyone else, we had our first 'in depth' dr's appointment.

The good news is, baby is head down.

The rest of the news isn't bad, but we're hoping I don't progress much in the next 6 days since Justin is leaving on Monday until Thursday night.

I'm dilated 2 cm, 50% effaced, and -3 station.

These numbers don't mean a whole lot, other than, as Justin puts it, baby is at the starting point. I could walk around dilated to a 2 or more for months (or at least weeks) and my doctor said being 50% effaced is pretty typical at this point in first births.

From now on, we're in the office every week, so we'll see what happens next Friday.

1 comment:

The Gough's said...

I was dilated to a 1 and 50% effaced on June 20. My doc said the same thing. I will be here all week should you need me!! :)