Tuesday, May 12, 2015

A letter to my first born

This Mothers Day I was thinking about being a mother.  I, of course, was showered with lavish gifts, foot rubs, hand written notes, and everything else a mother would ever want.  In between all of that, I had to get showered, make sure all you kids were clean and ready for church, breakfast, lunch, dinner, clean up the house... you know, being a mom, in all it's glory.

Anyway, I was thinking of writing a letter to my kids, since, that's why I was celebrated on Mothers Day at all.

You're the one that made me a mom.  I was attuned to every moment of your pregnancy, I was worried, anxious, scared excited for the delivery.  I read everything I could.  Bought the best rated baby gear.  I can't tell you the amount of hours I spent searching online for bedding and a diaper bag.  A diaper bag!  Needless to say, you were the guinea pig.  You'll always be the guinea pig.  I learned how to be a mom with you.  Sorry for the all the mistakes (like starving you during the first two weeks) but you've been an easy one to get started on, I just didn't know it at the time.

You never really had the stranger danger thing that most babies do.  You've been easy going and always make friends everywhere you go. I've noticed that you are a bit more timid or cautious around new people as you've gotten older, but I do believe that you have a natural inclination to be friendly and assume that you'll be able to find and make friends in every situation.

You're adventurous and brave, which landed you in many an insta-care or ER, and is why I have a stocked first aid kit, including liquid bandaid.  You still have an incurable need to climb and jump on top of anything and everything, but you've at least gained the sense to watch your step more often.

You're kind hearted and sensitive, although you can lose your patience, mostly with your sister.  You loved Kate when she arrived, but as she got older and her personality started to get stronger there is definately some conflict there.  Milo, on the other hand, can do almost nor wrong in your book.  You tell me all the time how much you love him and how cute he is.

You love spending time with dad.  In the last year we finally brought a gaming console in the house, and you and dad can't get enough 'quality time' playing XBox.  You try really hard to be a good kid, follow the rules, do well in school.   You're considerate, thoughtful and bright.  You love being read to, we go through quite  few chapter books.  I'm often amazed at how much you're paying attention, even when you seem to be all over the place while we read.  You don't love to read yourself, but you do, begrudgingly.   Math, on the other hand, is like second nature.  I have to be really careful (and accurate) whenever you ask my times and how long until we get there type of conversations.  You'll do the addition and subtraction lightening fast, and let me know when I'm not be honest.

You're getting a lot better at baseball and seem to enjoy it more this year than you have in the past.  If your mom could get her act together, I'm sure you'd enjoy soccer, gymnastics, and even karate (you ask about the last one at least once a week.  You have pretty atrocious handwriting, but you're a good speller and you obviously have a vivid imagination from some of the papers you bring home from school.

You're a great kid.  You're a natural leader, easy going, and forgiving.  You are kind, and thoughtful, and honest.  You have a wonderful smile, where your eyes scrunch shut so that you can barely see them.  You are a great first born, I hope you don't ever live to regret being the oldest -it can come with some responsibility, but there are certain perks as well.

I love you, Hyrum.  Thanks for making me a mom!