Saturday, July 6, 2013


I love rock climbing.  I've never been very good at it, but it wasn't for lack of trying.  I had friends who climbed in high school and college and would occasionally take the girls along.  I have a few theories on why guys like to take girls climbing, but that probably doesn't belong here.  My brothers started climbing as well, and I worked for my dad as a COPE director for a summer and spent 15 hours a day in a climbing harness.  I even managed to organize a few of our preparation days on my mission at climbing gyms.

This was the first time you've ever climbed.  You were a little scared and not too adventurous your first time up.  You sort of liked hanging in mid air and repelling down more than the climb -which is understandable.

First climb from Melanie Lafeen on Vimeo.
But, you came back to it after some time on the slip and slide (Family BBQ at Grandpa Hardcastle's office) and you spent the rest of the afternoon on that wall.  We finally found a side that kept you a bit closer to the wall, which made it a bit easier.  You were so funny when you got up past 10 feet or so.  You were so close to the top (32 foot wall) and I guess we were giving you too much encouragement because you yelled back down that it would be easier if we'd stop talking to you.  We did, and you 'rang the bell' at the top.

I was SO proud!  Just think how good you'll be when you know your right from your left foot and we can be a little more helpful (but not too helpful).

Spider-Man from Melanie Lafeen on Vimeo.

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