Friday, July 19, 2013

Fun Friday

Everyday (usually at least half a dozen times a day) you ask me where we're going.  Where we're going next, and where we're going tomorrow.  You've been looking forward to going to your friends' Anthony and Ellie's birthday all week.  I didn't really mention what we'd be doing there, but as you told me on our way, if it's a birthday party there has to be toys and cake.

You LOVED this blow-up water slide they set up.  Kate, not so much, but she was a great little cheerleader for you on the side.  "Yay, buddy, you did it again!"

Whee from Melanie Lafeen on Vimeo.

After the fun in the sun, you got to do something even better!  Gordon and Jessica called (texted) and asked if you could go to the Raptor's game with them that evening.  I stole a couple of pictures from their Instagram feed, so I'll add more if I can get them.  I think you were impressed.

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