Saturday, November 8, 2008

Ready, Set...

Here's the latest update...

I went from 3 minus centimeters to "3 plus -almost a 4", and the baby has moved down a bit and is at a negative 2 station. (The stations start at -3, and go to -2, -1, 0 and then 1, 2 3 -which is pretty much crowning).

This is all good news, as far as I (and my doctor) am concerned.

However, my blood pressure is 'creeping' up. So... I am supposed to 'take it easy' -work less, more laying down, etc, for the next little while. If my blood pressure gets up much higher and stays that way, we'll need to take the baby early. And, when you're wanting a unmedicated child birth, taking the baby early is not a good thing. More interventions (breaking my water, starting pitossin, possibility of a c-section) creates a difficult (or impossible) environment to have natural childbirth.

Here's the dilemma... do I take it easy, and hope my blood pressure stays where it is, or bump up my efforts to induce this baby on our own? (Long walks, massage, magical/mythical pizza from Cafe Trio).

Either way, this baby will most likely be making an entrance before Thanksgiving -and I still have a TON of things to get done at work!

1 comment:

Emily said...

It sounds like this baby is coming any second. Best of luck to you. I hope everything runs smooth for you. I am excited to meet your little one.... boy or girl.