Wednesday, November 19, 2008

One week and counting

Okay baby... any time now. We're ready and waiting your arrival. According to babycenter, you're ready too...

Your baby's waiting to greet the world! He continues to build a layer of fat to help control his body temperature after birth, but it's likely he already measures about 20 inches and weighs a bit over 7 pounds, a mini watermelon. (Boys tend to be slightly heavier than girls.) The outer layers of his skin are sloughing off as new skin forms underneath.
I'm still working (mostly) full time. I took quite a few hours off during the day last week, but my blood pressure has been back to normal, so I've been in 10 hour days this week. However, after tomorrow, I don't have much to do, so I'm not sure if I'll continue. Hopefully the next time I write, I'll have something more exciting to say.
But, I'm trying to not get too excited.

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