Monday, March 14, 2011

Trains (and another bump)

You had a great weekend. Friday you and dad went to Disney on Ice. I think you were MOST excited for the ride down there.

You and dad rode on on Trax (the train) downtown, which, according to dad, you just absolutely loved. You enjoyed seeing the characters you knew and eating the popcorn. I guess you got a little bored of it after intermission, but you managed to hang in there.

It was dad's Drill weekend and a Sunday that we'd have been up there for dinner regularly, so we spent the weekend at the Hardcastles. Dad and I decided to go out on
Saturday, so Grandma and Grandpa watched you and Kate. You were a little more energetic than usual (if that was even possible) so Grandpa decided to take you on a little trip. You guys rode the Frontrunner train for a couple of hours. I don't think he intended it to be quite so long, but it was. You came home worn out (and a little hungry).

Now for the bump.

I suppose this one could be considered partly my fault. I was talking to my friend Kathy earlier today and you were jumping around the fireplace. I said something like "Please stop jumping. It's my birthday, I don't want to take you in for stitches." I should have found some wood to knock on.

Tonight (after dad left to teach) you were jumping off the ottoman and fell backwards onto the heater vent. I didn't think too much of it, and was holding you while you calmed down. A couple of minutes later I looked and you had blood in your hair in the back. I took a look, and it didn't look good to me.

I called a friend who is a Medical Assistant and was the one who helped out when you hit your head at girls camp. She was on her way home from work and said she'd stop by. TJ said it looked like it would close on it's own, and probably didn't need stitches. She suggested to put peroxide on it and get some liquid band aid (her exact words were "Send out your hubby for some liquid band aid").

So I took 2 screaming kids (Kate has been more ornery than usual today) to Walgreens. You refused to sit in the shopping cart, so I was trying to carry you on one side and the car seat on the other, with Kate screaming at the top of her lungs. I looked pretty pathetic, I'm sure.

After a bath and some peroxide I tried to put the liquid band aid on it. I have to admit that I'm not convinced I made the right decision, the cut is kind of deep. I hope that if we keep it clean and keep reapplying (and you can only imagine how much you enjoyed that) you should be okay.

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