Friday, February 6, 2009

You ARE your mothers son

Uh... your 2 month check up was about 2 and a half weeks late. So, it was more like your 2 and a half month check up, but close enough.

First of all, you're a pretty average kid. 12 pounds 12 oz and 23 3/4 inches long, both in the 50th percentile. We're happy with average! Dr. Cox was pretty impressed with how strong your neck was and how well you sat up and looked around.

We did your first round of immunizations. That was pretty rough -on both of us. It was 3 shots in your little legs. I really struggled even deciding to get your immunized, so I was pretty anxious that you'd be okay (with no lasting effects -other than not getting childhood diseases). You did okay, and didn't even get a fever.

However... it's pretty hard watching you be so content and almost happy on the doctors table... and then you felt that first shot! You were not very happy, and I felt so bad for you. You had some 'new' cries, which was probably a mixture of pain and surprise. As soon as I could, I got you home and let you play in your bath. You LOVE the bath, plus you kick your legs alot, which was good so you wouldn't get too sore.

The worse part is... we have to do it again in 6 weeks.

Now... as far as the title of the post goes...

The day before your shots we were driving around and I guess you weren't happy to be in your car seat anymore. You had been asleep, and you had eaten recently, so I KNOW you weren't starving.

You were screaming in the back, and I couldn't seem to calm you down by holding your hands or talking to you. I had decided I needed to pull over to feed you or get you out or something . Right as I was pulling into a grocery store parking lot you screamed REALLY loud... and then silence.

I freaked out. I'm not sure exactly how long it was, but it was long enough for me to say your name, get scared, stop the car and get out. By the time I opened the back seat you had taken a breath and started crying again. I got back in the car (since I had stopped right in the entrance of the parking lot) and pulled into a stall. I fed you for a minute until you fell asleep.

I called your grandma (my mom) when we got home and told her. She almost started crying because I used to stop breathing alot when I was younger. I guess never when I was your age, but if I got hurt, or was in the middle of a tantrum as a toddler and I would hold my breath and actually pass out. I'm hoping that experience was not a taste of worse things to come!

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