Friday, February 20, 2009

For a moment

Maybe it was the fact that you let me sleep 7 hours straight last night.

Or, maybe it was the 90 minute nap you took yesterday afternoon.

But, today I wanted to hold you while you slept. It still happens often. Either you don't sleep long, or I'm trying to get you to sleep before I lay you down. You were in a deep sleep, and I could have put you in your crib. But I didn't.

Today I was smart enough to realize you're not this small forever, the house can stay dirty, I don't need a nap that bad, and you could just be my baby.

If only for a moment.

1 comment:

Annie said...

oh, I love those moments.

Just wait until he's two and only wants to hit you....then you'll really need to pull up these memories.

and then, every once and a while, he'll still let you hold him and it's the best thing ever.