Wednesday, August 6, 2008

6 months

Depending on how you count (it seems like all books and websites do it a little differently during these 40 weeks), I'm six months along.

Six months. That's a lot! It's quite misleading to say I only have 3 months left, because I really don't, it's a week shy of 4 months, but it still seems like I've reached some sort of milestone.

My uterus is about the size of a soccer ball. And I feel every cubic inch of it. Last night before Young Womens I thought I had a hernia or something because 'something' was sticking out from my lower abdomen. I'm pretty sure it was an elbow or knee or something -it really hurt! I've been enjoying the day (the second day a week hasn't happened yet) I get in the pool for water aerobics, because you can't feel how heavy things are. But... I've been exercising almost every day (last week was 5, this week should be 5 or 6) and started doing a yoga/pilates dvd that does a lot of stretching and strength training, which usually feels really good too.

The other night when I was home watching TV (before we started working 10 hour days, because now I haven't even turned the TV on for 3 days) and I'm pretty sure the baby had hiccups. I could barely feel any movement, but my stomach was moving up and down rapidly for a few minutes, it was kind of fun.

Now that Justin is home for the rest of the summer (except for a few days next month) I'm hoping we'll start making some progress on the nursery. A crib, rocking chair, hanging of pictures (uh oh, more nails)... so hopefully I get some photo's soon.

1 comment:

The Gough's said...

Kind of crazy how it went from a mango to a soccer ball in 8 days.