Tuesday, July 22, 2008

You must like loud noises

Well, baby... you went to your first concert last night. Justin and I went with his parents and brother and sister-in-law to see John Mayer at USANA amphitheatre. (Don't worry if you don't know who that is, I'm sure he won't still be relative when you can read this.) But... we were quite close to the stage and his base and drums were quite loud. I felt every beat in my chest, so I'm sure you were too. In fact, Justin got a little worried and tried standing in front of my (and my ever-increasing belly) to block out some of the sound. You didn't move an inch -at least enough for me to feel you.

And, I have been feeling you move around a bit. I was doing paperwork most of the day yesterday at work, and everytime I'd squish my stomach a bit sitting at the computer, you'd let me know you didn't like it very much. I feel you a lot in the early evening if I'm just sitting around. Justin is pretty sure he felt something on Sunday... but he wasn't quite sure.

In other news... I went to my first prenatal water aerobics class last night. It was great. I will hopefully get there at least once or twice a week, it was a really good work-out and I think we both enjoyed it.

1 comment:

April and Rick said...

I am so glad you didn't get kicked out of water aerobics! I be that would be good for pregnancy. :)