Sunday, September 16, 2012

Primary Program

Today was your very first primary program.  It feels a little weird to not take pictures at these sort of things -not that I'm used to taking pictures at all in church, it just seems we take pictures of every thing else.

You Grandma Hardcastle, Jodi, Grandma and Grandpa Lafeen, April, and Mimi and Papa all came to see you.  And, you did great!

Your two speaking parts (that we had been practicing for weeks now) were:  "We began making choices before we even came to earth" and "Listening to my parents is choosing the right".  I think Jill tried to give you too much help on the last one, because you said (quite loudly and into the microphone, of course) "Oh, I know, I know, I can do it myself".

I can't remember if I'm mentioned here what an AMAZING Sunbeam teacher our ward has, Sister Debbie.  She has been doing it for years (and years) and words cannot even express how awesome she is.  She loves and cares for those kids like no one else, and the time and preparation she puts into each Sunday (even the ones when she isn't there and has a sub) is impressive.  It was also impressive that she kept so many 3 year olds entertained and nearly quiet up on the stand by herself.

I was impressed with how well you sat and had your arms folded for most of sacrament meeting and how well you did with your speaking parts.  We've also been listening and trying to sing the songs for the program for the last few months as well.  Turns out, it might have been a good thing that you didn't know all of the words to all of the songs, because when you did (The Wise Man and Nephi's courage) you sang (yelled) your little heart out.

Not to be outdone, Kate also knows the actions to The Wise Man and the Foolish Man and she was helping along in the congregation.

You loved that 'all of your family' came to see you.  Mimi gave you your own little bag of cookies and Grandpa Lafeen came back to the house to play with you for a few minutes.  It was a great day.

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