Saturday, September 8, 2012

A(nother) letter to my first born

I wrote one of these a few days a weeks before you sister arrived to turn your life upside down, and thought it might be fitting to do it again.

I'm not sure how adding additional siblings (when you already have one) will affect you early on.  I'm sure, or at least I hope, someday you will be grateful that you have a brother.  You're only 4 years apart so I'm looking forward to years of you being friends (and foes).  Perhaps sharing a room and time in scouts and Young Mens together.  A few outings with just the boys and dad and ganging up together to pick on your sister.

Once again, you'll always be the oldest child.  You will hopefully grow up to be responsible and accountable, even if there are a few bumps along the way.  You might be bossy and stubborn, but I hope you are also kind and sympathetic.  I'm glad that you were able to start school this year, which will give you some time away from your little sister and brother and allow you to become more independent.

I know that you try to be helpful and I also worry that you will have to give in a lot more and not have as much time with mom as you've had in the past.  I think that a lot is expected from the oldest child, and I'm sure that will be true with you too.

You are the one that made me a mother, which has been the greatest joy and accomplishment in my life.  Thank you for being strong enough to be the first, I will always love you for that.  It's not the easiest place to be in a family, but it's very rewarding.

Love, Mom

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