Wednesday, July 15, 2009

8 months

With the way things have been going this month, I thought I should start this post sooner rather than later.

I can't believe you're (almost) 8 months! I think I sort of skipped your 7th month. We were trying to get your '6 month' pictures done for so long, that before I knew it we were in your 8th month.

Man you're a cute kid -as the pictures will prove. You're eating everything I give you (except peas). You sit up for long periods of time, but you can't get there on your own yet. You've started rolling around to try and get to something or somewhere you'd like to be. It doesn't always work out so well, so you've also started scooting around -on your back and backwards. It's pretty funny. You've done countless face-dives (sorry, buddy) from the sitting position and you are even rocking a bit back and forth when you're on all fours. So... I think crawling is in your near future.
You're usually really vocal now. You like screaming and vibrating your lips together. You make a funny cough-like noise when you're eating too. With any luck we won't be in to see the doctor this month, but I think you're between 18 and 19 pounds. Pretty heavy -especially when you're in the car seat.

July is proving to be a VERY busy month. You had your second plane ride and spent the weekend in San Fransisco. You did pretty well considering most of your naps were in the car and you got to bed really late every night. You visited Muir Woods, the Pier, Chinatown, the Berkeley ward house, and the Oakland Temple. Plus, we had dinner at two different homes while we were there.

Last weekend you went camping for the first time. I think you liked it. You love being outside, so that part was great. The trip up to Idaho took a little over 6 hours, which probably the part you disliked the most. The trip back took a little under 5, so that was a little better.

You had your first swimming experience. The pool was super warm, so it was just like a big bath -with a lot of kids to watch -so you loved it! You slept well and took good naps and loved spending time with your grandparents and Aunt April.

Next weekend you'll have your second camping experience. We're headed to Jackson Hole, Wyoming with Mimi and Papa. It might get a little colder in the evening up there, so I hope you still have a good time.

We've had death in your family. Well, not so much a death, as a missing person. You had 2 blue elephants and one was accidentally left on the airplane. We still have the one, and I've also bought 3 more that are similar. Hopefully you like sleeping with these as much as the others.

You're so active and you love playing with your toys. It's fun to watch you play because you have favorite ones and have come to expect certain things. It won't be long before you get yourself pretty mobile, so I better be on my toes!

1 comment:

Emily Dawn said...

Look at those adorable baby blue eyes. He is just a doll. I bet you kiss him all day long.