Thursday, May 14, 2009

I'll take average

I'm not sure why I haven't posted in so long. I think I kept thinking I was going to get your pictures done and I was going to post then that I waited. Almost a month!

Well, you've had a good month. You're getting a lot better (and faster) at rolling over from your front to your back towards both sides, -but you favor falling to your right. I think you're getting closer to rolling over from your back to your front, but you haven't quite made it yet.

You're a little jabber-box when you're in a good mood, and you do this grunting thing when you're concentrating on something or you're tired. You've been pretty sick the last 2 months - just colds and coughs that you can't seem to get rid of, nothing too serious.

You still LOVE to bounce and get a kick out of watching other kids -including yourself in the mirror. We've been watching the "Your baby can read" series and you like the videos a lot -I guess time will tell whether or not they'll help you read. You actually like watching ANYTHING on TV.

You really love music -especailly when people are singing. When you're fussy during Young Womens or Sunday School at church I walk down to the Primary Room and you always calm down when the kids are signing.

We were scheduled to take some 6 month pictures right before Mothers Day, but the day got rained out. I think we'll get to them in the next week or two and I'm sure they'll be awesome!
You went in for your 6 month checkup today. 17 pounds 2.5 oz and 26 and a half inches. 50% percentile for both height and weight. We must be doing something right.
Here are some pictures from the last month or so.

1 comment:

LeeAnn said...

Cold or no cold you are grandmas favorite little man with the biggest smile and adorable eyes, I can't wait to really get to play with you again.