Thursday, August 2, 2012

A few things

I've been trying to get a list of Kate's growing vocabulary and I think I should add a few of the things you say that aren't quite right... but cute enough that we don't want to correct you quite yet.

"I smell bad"  -I'm sure I've mentioned this one before.  When you first started saying it I wasn't quite sure what you meant, but it means you smell something bad.  When we're driving by the refineries in North Salt Lake, or maybe when Kate needs a diaper... you always announce that you smell bad.

"Strange Cheese" -String cheese

"Happy Mothers Day" or "Happy Fathers Day" -although there is nothing wrong with these two statements, you continue to say them all of the time.  Especially Happy Mothers Day, sometimes you'll tell me that 4 or 5 times a day.  And no, I'm not going to correct you anytime soon on that one.

"Hiding in the Sink".  Otherwise known as Hide and Seek.

I'm sure there's more... but I can't think of any right now.  I'll try to keep track and maybe update the post later.

Also... here are a few pictures that didn't end up in any of the previous posts

At IKEA with dad

What kid wouldn't want a giant dirt hill next to their house?

We're sort of transitioning out of your nap.  Sometimes you don't quite make it to dinner. 

Another no nap day 

This was the 2nd or 3rd night of you and Kate sleeping in the same room.  

With your friends Elijah and Noah at the Days of '47 float pre-show

1 comment:

it's me, andrea. said...

That pictures of them in the same bed is so flippin cute!