Thursday, August 18, 2011

Gone fishin'

First at the aquarium...

And then at a community pond with Grandpa Lafeen. You loved it! I think you got 5 or 6 fish -including another sea monster.

In other news... you and Kate have started playing together a bit. It usually ends with me pulling you off of her or finally picking her up because she's getting rolled over, but the funny thing is, she seems to love it just as much as you do. Hopefully when she gets a bit bigger you guys can still play together.
Toilet training has been a lot better this month. We've only had 1 or 2 accidents and you're actually starting to tell me when you have to go. I think I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. You seem to ALWAYS tell me when you're going down for a nap or to sleep for the night. Oh well, progress is progress.
This week alone we've been to the Aquarium, the Zoo, Wheeler Farm, and fishing with Grandpa-and it's only Thursday. We'll have to stay just as busy for the next two weeks when dad is gone.

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