Sunday, September 19, 2010


You're almost 22 months old. Not that I usually tell people that, I've given up on how many months you are, I usually refer to you as my two year old, or that you'll be two in November.
You love corn on the cob
You just love life right now and love learning new things. I think the few tv shows you like watching have really paid off, because you can now recognize ALL of your letters, and can count to 10 with a bit of help. We really didn't even teach you that, I'm thinking Super Why and Sesame Street did most of it, but now we work on it. We actually don't have a choice, you LOVE picking out letters, even when we're driving in the car. You have your 'favorite letters', like B, O, P, Q, and Y, but you know all of them.
With Gordon at the cabin
Your love of buttons hasn't diminished at all. In fact, you insist on opening and closing the garage door, you've learned how to push the buttons on the dishwasher (which drives me CRAZY) and still can't stay away from mom's computer.

Family portrait on a dinosaur

I think we might try toilet training at the end of the month. I'm not sure you're quite ready, but you've shown a few signs that you might be ready, and it's very appealing to try it before you're really in your 'terrible twos'. We're working on the new vocabulary you'll need, and reading a few books for some ideas. With a bit of luck, we might have you out of diapers (at least during the day) before the baby comes. But if not, we'll give it a go sometime next year.

With Grandpa Hardcastle at the Dinosaur Park

Some of your other favorite things to say is "What happened?" I need to get this on a video, because it sounds so cute, except that you say it ALL of the time. If you fall, if something else falls, if something looks different or wrong, if something happens on the tv. It's a question we get at LEAST 100 times a day.

You also love "Hyrum's turn", and you really understand what it means too. Mama's turn, Hyrum's turn, Daddy's turn... even when you're playing with other kids, you try to get their toy by saying it's "Hyrum's turn".

Big Matt at the Dinosaur Park

Speaking of other kids, you've done great in nursery ever since we stopped being out of town so much during the summer. The last two weeks I've helped in there because one of the nursery leaders hasn't been there, but even before that, you'll cry for a minute or two, and then I guess you do great.

You've also moved to a Big Boy bed. Well, an even Bigger Boy Bed and a new room. I haven't taken any pictures because the move happened a little sooner than I had planned (thanks to your dad) and I'd like to decorate it just a bit and get some new sheets to go with the Red Sox theme I have planned. Hopefully soon.

With Grandma Lafeen in her backyard.

I think that's all for now. I'm excited for Halloween and your second birthday, Christmas, and of course, your new baby brother or sister. I'm sure this fall/winter will go by quickly for the Lafeens.

Your new favorite game, Hiding.

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