Sunday, August 8, 2010

A slow recovery

You're still not quite yourself yet, little man. I haven't had to tell you stop climbing or to get out of stuff all week -it's kind of sad. You're a bit more active than the average toddler, but I guess I prefer that to you looking like a ghost, moving from the couch, to a pillow, to simply laying on the floor.

We went back to see your doctor on Thursday, because you started throwing up again on Wednesday. Just in the evening, and only a couple of times, but it still made us nervous. You had lost about a pound from the ER visit, and threw up Wednesday and Thursday evening, but since then you've kept everything down.

The diarrhea hasn't stopped (or even slowed down at this point). We've had a few problems (thank goodness for hardwood floors and carpet cleaners), but you seem to slowly be getting some energy back, which is good. I feel bad that you'll miss you last (and second to last, since you were in the hospital) swimming lesson, but we don't want to share any of this in the pool.

I can feel and see your ribs in the front and the back, and hope that when your appetite comes back, it comes back with a vengeance. You have a lot of make up for. You want to eat (you ask to eat all of the time) but when you're sitting in your high chair nothing we offer (which is pretty much anything we have in the house) seems to be what you're looking for.

Pretty much for the first time in your life, we've developed some bad sleeping habits. I'm not sure if it was sleeping with mom and dad in the hospital bed, wanting to be around one of us at all times, falling asleep in our bed during your morning bottle, or the fact that when it's bed time you're really not that tired since you've been sleeping all day, but we have some bad habits to break once you're feeling better. It's most likely a combination of all of those issues this week. You prefer to fall asleep downstairs in front of the TV (don't even get me started on the amount of TV you've watched this week), and if you wake up in your bed, you SCREAM to get out. As in, angry, mad, terrifying screaming. Which is probably why you've grown accustomed to falling asleep in front of the TV. Dad's going out of town this week, so lucky me, I get to try and get you back to a regular sleeping schedule and habits.

I hope we don't have to do any of this again anytime soon (or ever), but for now, I'll take my super cuddly and mellow kid. I'm sure it won't last for long!

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