Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Nothing that a sucker won't fix

15 month check-up.

32 inches 75th percentile
24 pounds 50th percentile

Those are approximate, for some reason I wasn't paying attention and our nurse forgot to write them down for me. I'll have to double check the stats the next time I'm in.

I can't believe you're 15 months old. Its kind of a weird age, you're not really a one year old, but that's just easier to say.

I'm not sure I can even list all of your new accomplishments -or tricks.

You're so vocal and copy new words every day. Not all of them stay in your vocabulary and I'm sure you actually don't know the meaning of them yet, but you love copying things we say.

You're a climber. This is difficult. You try to climb the stove and piano, chairs and fireplace. I can't keep you down, and you don't quite understand the word "No", so it's getting a little frustrating.

You love being outside and running. You run everywhere. Walking is too mundane I suppose. I'm glad that it's warming up, we'll be able to get rid of some of the extra energy you seem to have an excess of.

We're struggling with naps, but I hope it's due to you getting over being sick. For a while I thought we were moving towards one nap a day, but now you can't make it past 9 am before going back down.

I'm excited to see what another month will bring us!

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