You are full swing in the 'kids say the darnedest things' stage. Grandma Hardcastle watched you guys for a bit last night and tried to get you to go to bed (something that dad and I have been struggling with the past few weeks).
At first, you came downstairs while Grandma was cleaning up your toys. You quietly announced that you needed to help grandma clean up. You then (as slowly as possible) put your toys, one by one, in your toy boxes and went back to bed. Your next complaint was that your tummy hurt. "I don't know what is wrong with my tummy, I have too much food in it, it's too hard to sleep."
You say "Oh, that sounds like a good idea" and "Oh, sure" quite often. You absolutely light up when you notice that Kate's awake. You like to give her hugs and kisses, whether she is wanting them or not. She just adores you as well, and try's to 'get you' where ever and what ever you are doing. You often retreat to the piano room or outside so you can play without a little sister taking all of your toys. You're not always so nice though, you will sometimes push her down either when she's trying to bother you -or you're bored. You always try to get me to leave your two alone, "Go away mom, I'm playing with Kate".
When you say your prayers at night, and I say "Please help me to be a good listener" you always add, "... at the park". I believe it's your way of reminding me that you'd like to spend all of our days together at the park. I try to get you there at least every couple of days. We'll have a hard winter, I suppose.
You watch too much TV and play with the iPad too much. I try to get you to do other things and get us out of the house everyday, but I'm still not perfect in that respect. You still climb on everything, couches, counters, dressers, desks, cribs -if it's above ground, you'll climb on top. We're working on that one too.
But, I think you have good manners -please, thank you, you're welcome, pardon. You are getting better at listening to mom (and dad) and you're actually working on better table manners. You love pancakes and syrup, hot dogs, chicken nuggets, and cereal. Chocolate milk, water and ALL fruits. I have to stop you from eating fruit during the day. I'd run out of banana's every day if I didn't. Banana's, apples, oranges, grapes, and peaches. Vegetables are a different story, but we'll work on that too.
These are your train's snow plows.
On Jodi's new exercise machine.
Playing in Big Matt's new kayak.
All dressed up for church this last week.
You're new backpack and church bag. It used to be mine. It's just a lucky coincidence it's the red sox colors!
At the dinosaur museum at Thanksgiving Point.
I just love the things you come up with when you're playing.
You're learning new things every day and your little brain seems to be working overtime. It amazes me the new things you say and do everyday.