We went to the doctor one week before the 9 month mark and here are your stats:
Height: 28.5 in (59th percentile)
Weight: 20 lbs 10 oz (56th percentile)
Head circumference: ? but it's in the 82nd percentile.
I haven't been able to take pictures of crawling (can you even do that) but I'll try. For the blog, I have the video, but I'm already thinking about your eventual book, so pictures are a must. You 'crawled' yesterday, although it's a bit of a hop/jump with a lot of leg movement. So far, you won't take more than 2 crawl-jumps, but you've finally figured out you can get places without me, and you're excited. The other thing you figured out yesterday was to get to a sitting position from your tummy, a great plus.
*I guess we can add one MORE thing to your list of 'party tricks' -I mean milestones. You stood up this afternoon on one of your baby toys -all by yourself! I have a feeling crawling isn't going to last long.*
In the last week or two you've figured out the 'm' sound. You've been doing that da-da sound for months, and now you will make the 'mom' sound -but only when you're upset and frustrated. Thanks a lot, kiddo!
My ankle was out of commission for a few weeks, but now it's better and we're back to our morning walks almost every morning. You enjoy walks, but I'm always trying to stretch your awake time, so by the end of it you're ready to be home again.
Speaking of naps, you're still taking 3 a day. Which is fine, it just makes it hard to get out and do anything. You're trying to wake up earlier and earlier in the morning too, but I don't get you out of bed until at least 6 am.
You still just have the two bottom teeth, but you're a champion eater! Now that you're crawling, I think we'll try some finger foods, which would be pretty new for you. Your dad is scared to death of choking, so we might have to start that out when he's not around.
Oh, I sort of cut your hair. You have this long bit in the back and a few really long strands in the front that was starting to resemble a comb-over. So, I just cut those down a little. No pictures though, your dad didn't want to help, so it was a little difficult to maneuver the scissors AND a camera.
You have a new favorite past time -playing the piano. You LOVE playing and will usually 'sing' along too!